Terms & Conditions

Valley View Pet Services hereby agree that we shall act with integrity, responsibility and trustworthiness to clients, client’s pets and client’s property. The welfare of client’s pets is paramount and their safety and wellbeing shall not be made subordinate to any other consideration. In order to ensure we fulfil our obligations to you, the client, we ask all new customers take a few minutes to read and sign the terms and conditions below –

1. By enrolling the dog(s), I represent that I am the legal owner of the named dog(s) and I assume all risks, dangers and responsibility for injuries to the named dog(s).

2. All dogs must pass a general behaviour assessment in order to attend Valley View. No dog may be admitted that shows any signs of any type of aggression. I confirm my dog(s) is friendly to other dogs and humans and shows no aggression unless I have made you fully aware of it. Any dog demonstrating aggression or other behaviour deemed to be unacceptable by Valley View staff may be required to leave daycare irrespective of the length of time the dog has been enrolled by Valley View.

3. My dog(s) is fit and healthy to take part in any activities whilst at daycare, and is capable of play and exercise with other dogs unless I have made you aware.

4. My dog(s) is healthy and will always, while attending Valley View, have current vaccinations and regular treatment for worms, ticks and fleas. I will provide Valley View with an up to date copy of my dog(s) vaccination record annually. I am not enrolling any dog to Valley View that has any condition that could potentially jeopardise the health of other dogs or people and has not had any potentially communicable condition within 21 days prior to enrolment. I also understand that even if my dog is vaccinated for Kennel Cough there is a chance that Kennel Cough can still be contracted. I agree that I will NOT hold Valley View responsible if my dog(s) contracts Kennel Cough. I am responsible for ensuring the efficacy of any treatment that I give my dog(s) for worms, fleas and ticks. In addition, I agree to check my dog regularly for ticks and fleas and to inform Valley View of any unwanted parasite. In the event of any fleas being present, I understand my dog(s) will not be able to attend daycare until they are flea free.

5. The Valley View Daycare facility has a well installed and regularly checked/maintained 6ft high, deer fence surrounding the full perimeter of the daycare. It is as safe and secure as we could possibly make it to prevent escape. In the event of an escaped dog, we have an escape plan in place. This is displayed on the daycare reception wall and all staff have received “Escape plan” training. Once the dogs are inside the facility, the gate is locked and secured and this gate is not opened until home time when dogs are secured in the van for their return journey home. Valley View accepts no responsibility for costs incurred in the unlikely event of an escaped dog.

6. Female dogs who come into season are not allowed to attend Valley View for the duration of their season and AT LEAST 14 days after they have finished bleeding. Valley View will accept no responsibility for costs incurred due to a bitch getting served at the daycare resulting in a pregnancy. 

7. Entire male dogs WILL be accepted into daycare from a young age until such a time they are at an age suitable for castration. Entire males over an age suitable for castration WILL NOT be accepted into the daycare.

8. I agree that my pet has appropriate insurance to cover my dog(s) personal injury in the unlikely event of an incident alternatively, I agree to cover any costs relating to accidents that may occur at the daycare which result in injury to my dog. All interaction and dog play is monitored by daycare staff to avoid incidents however, I understand my dog(s) may sustain accidental injuries and I agree to cover any veterinary fees pertaining to my dog. Valley View nor its employees will not accept responsibility for the death, injury or illness of your dog whilst at daycare. You are strongly advised to insure your pet for all eventualities.

9. My dog(s) is able to share play areas within the day care centre.

10. We reserve the right to act in the best interests of the dog at all times this includes seeking veterinary advice if he/she becomes ill. We reserve the right to seek appropriate and swift veterinary attention and proceed with treatment if required.

11. We reserve the right to refuse admittance to any dog or to dismiss any dog that does not meet the health, temperament or other daycare standards. The determination shall be made at the sole discretion of daycare staff.