‘‘As a dog owner and lover myself, I understand just how special your dogs are to you! That’s why here at Valley View we have full transparency for our clients, letting you know all the ins and outs about how we run. If you have any questions that aren’t answered below, please just give me a call and I will be more than happy to go through them with you!’’

— Emma

I won’t be home when you pick up, will this be a problem?

Not at all, most of our clients work full time and therefore are not at home when we visit. We hold keys to our clients homes meaning we can pick up and drop off when you’re not in. We always make sure to offer a toilet stop just before they go back into the house and can also put food down for them if required.

My dog hasn’t been neutered/spayed, can they still come?

We do not accept bitches that are in season in our groups, during their season they will need to stay at home. Unneutered dogs over the age of one will unfortunately not be accepted. We want to make sure that every dog has the best day and is made to always feel fully welcome.

Is your play field secure?

Yes, we have two meter high stock fencing around the full perimeter of the play field to ensure that every dog can have off lead play regardless of their individual training stage. This is the same for the full perimeter of our land.

What if the weather is awful?

While we walk whatever the weather! We do have have a large heated wooden barn that is plenty big enough for us to go into and continue exercise if the weather is too awful for us to be outside.

Do you have insurance?

Absolutely! We are fully insured and have a license with Ribble Valley Council.

Will my dog arrive home filthy?

Absolutely not! In the winter when mud is around we will bath and blow dry your dog before they are brought home to you. We have a hot water shower so this isn’t an awful experience for them! This is also an option in the summer months if you want to treat your dog to a bath and blow, it is really helpful in between grooms for those that need haircuts!

Do you accept puppies?

Yes! We love puppies! We take dogs from being 3 months old providing they have had their vaccinations. Group socialisation for puppies is a brilliant way for them to learn key skills from other dogs. We also have a separate area for them to have a rest as they do normally need more chill time than the older dogs.

Are all your dogs friendly?

We have a strict policy in place for all dogs and only friendly dogs will be allowed. All dogs will be thoroughly assessed before being given a place in one of our groups.

My dog isn’t yet trained, does this mean they cant attend?

Absolutely not, so long as they are not aggressive towards the rest of the pack they will be welcomed with open arms. Adding socialization to their routine is a great way to aid in their training.

What’s your daily occupancy?

This is really what makes Valley View a unique daycare! Unlike most daycare’s we operate with much smaller numbers. Our maximum day admittance is 16 dogs, we feel that this really gives us the opportunity to get to know each dog that comes into our care.