Here at Valley View we understand the importance of structure in your dogs life, this is why we have a daily schedule ensured to allow them to get the most out of their visits with us

8.30am – 10am

The dogs are collected and brought to the daycare for a day of activities and play

10am - 10.30am

The dogs arrive at the daycare and have a half hour meeting any newcomers and playing with their friends

10.30am – 12pm

Morning session! Into the play field filled with natural obstacles, tunnels and water features

12pm – 1pm

Time for a nap! We head into the heated cabin filled with comfy beds and raised platforms for some rest and chill time. Any dogs requiring lunch will be given it during this time


Afternoon session! We head back into the play field and enjoy some enrichment and sensory games

2.30pm – 3.30pm

Chill out time, all the dogs are brought back up to the barked area and are cleaned and dried ready for home time.

3.30pm – 5.00pm

Dogs are dropped back off at home nice and tired after a fun packed day with their friends